The road and trail are my chapel, the saddle my pew, my riding buddies are fellow parishioners, and the surrounding world is my heaven. My pounding heart, burning legs, and salty sweat are reminders that I am alive, making the experience more real than anything ever written or said. There is no better place than pedaling through the landscape for me to feel more connected to the world around me and what it means to be alive. The shared laughs, exhaustion, and smiles with fellow cyclists make the experience even more real.
The blended marrying of Mother Nature, human body, and a mechanical beast is the perfect mix of what it is to be alive in today’s world. In my eyes only the physical and emotional connection with a close loved one, or creating and fostering another human life could eclipse this very real awareness of living.
While I am on a personal spiel, the video is filmed in a place I call home – western North Carolina. Pisgah National Forest, mentioned in the film, was my backyard growing up. While the riding in the film is more “extreme” than I feel comfortable attempting on the trail, the scenery, flora, and feel in the film are heartwarming beyond words. Although I live in California, I am incredibly homesick as I write this.
That all said, my “boss” would be very upset if I didn’t mention that we offer mountain bike tours in the same area where the film was shot. Check out more information about our North Carolina Mountain Bike tours HERE. Enjoy the video!
Jamie, I don’t know how I missed that blog . . it is awesome. I want to share my similar experience. As you know Marilyn and I have been involved in spiritual practice for many years and were introduced to Mindfulness Practice in the Dordogne of all places, at the Practice Center of the renowned mindfulness teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, Plum Village. His teachings led to learning to live more fully in the “present moment” . . . .that is certainly what cycling should be. Back in the California Gold Country where we lived at the time during the fall and winter, we were riding our tandem up a hill one cold morning and I caught myself wishing I was at the warm coffee shop and this agony was over . . . . then I said to myself “present moment, wonderful moment” and everything changed . .forever. I was suddenly aware of the beauty around me and how lucky I was at my advance age to be able to ride a tandem up these hills. Amazing. That is now my mantra, and I can use it anytime to get present and be happy no matter what. It works in the middle of the night when the brain is going crazy or on the bike or in the middle of a stressful situation. You will have to find your own “mantra”, but I urge you to do it. Check out Mindfulness Meditation Practice . . .it is sweeping the country for a good reason . . .it will make you happier and a better rider, parent or whatever. Dick